

The Role of the Church in Cultural Clashes


An Alternative Model There are United States embassies all over the world. Even though the embassy may be in a foreign country, the rules of the United States apply within the boundaries of the embassy. It acts like a haven. God ordained the church to function as a haven as well. It’s to function as a little bit of heaven, while here on earth. Let me say it this way, it serves as a preview of what the kingdom of God is all about. Much like movie previews create interest in upcoming films by showing glimpses of the full movie, the church should entice people to an alternative way of living by presenting glimpses of the kingdom of God. While there is war in the world, there should be peace in the church. There is poverty in the world, but there should be voluntary sharing and giving in the church. There is racism in society, but there should be liberation, justice and unity in the church. Therefore, when people see the church, they should see an alternative way of living. Sometimes we become overly pessimistic when discussing the church. We criticize and point out every little issue that we think is wrong. It’s one thing to honestly evaluate the church, but it’s totally different to just beat her down with a voice of disapproval. We must be very careful how we speak of and treat the church. After all, Jesus loves the church, died for the church and is coming back for her. Instead of criticizing the church, let’s stop and fervently pray for the church instead. How can the church present an alternative way of living to the world? We hope this plan encouraged you. If you would like more, cli ck [ here ](https://tonyevans.org/racial-unity-resources/) .
按日 6


The Role of the Church in Cultural Clashes

种族主义和不平等为何会对我们的文化造成了如此严重的破坏呢?单从教会的数量上看,美国共有300,000多所教会,这意味着每周有300,000场讲道、敬拜与聚会。可为何却看不到教会对文化产生更大的影响呢?在这个四天读经计划中,托尼‧埃文斯博士(Dr. Tony Evans)将就真正的教会及其如何对我们的文化产生积极影响展开讨论。

感谢 The Urban Alternative (Tony Evans) 提供此读经计划。欲知详情,请访问:https://tonyevans.org/

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