

Standing Strong


Stand in the Hope of Your Salvation

Take the helmet of salvation … Ephesians 6:17

We stand in the great and sure hope of our salvation! This hope is our anchor and stability (see Hebrews 6:19). With a secure hope of salvation, you can be continually filled with peace, joy, and righteousness! Don’t just casually read over the previous sentence. It’s absolutely and astoundingly true! And it’s a supernatural gift of God to possess these qualities.

It breaks my heart that so many people struggle throughout life without Christ. As a mom, I’ve witnessed the massive difference between my children wearing and not wearing a protective helmet. Concussions are scary. Who wouldn’t want to safeguard against dizziness, confusion, blurred vision, and slurred speech?

Tightly fasten on your helmet! It protects you more than you realize.

Salvation provides us with a new and powerful identity - the truth of who you are and Whose you are - transforms your mind to the mind of Christ; therefore, you are prepared for every battle!

Your spiritual enemy’s attacks are aimed to hit your mind with fear, doubt, and discouragement. Whenever he tries to accuse you, telling you that you are a lousy excuse for a Christian and that you might as well give up, resist these evil lies by rejoicing in the truth. Christ’s salvation covers you, and in Him there is no condemnation!

I’ve come to experience a deep rest through relying on my salvation in Christ. This hope supplies an unwavering endurance that will take me to the finish line. It brings reality to the words found in Philippians 1:21, to live is Christ, to die is gain.

For further study: Read through Ephesians 1:3-14,17-21 and write out everything Paul teaches that you have and are in Christ. Declare your list aloud when you’re finished. You just might want to love on your heavenly Father with some heartfelt praise, too.

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Standing Strong

亲爱的姊妹,你是否感到筋疲力尽,在与基督同行的路上需要新的生命吗?读这个计划并看看你可以如何站立得稳!Amy Groeschel用大有能力的经文和她写的十篇日记来鼓励你,更新你对耶稣的热情。除非另有说明,所有的经文都取自和合本圣经 。

We would like to thank Amy Groeschel and the Sister's ministry of Life.Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: www.life.church

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