
NEXT STEPS: Baptismサンプル


7日中 6日

WHO SHOULD BE BAPTIZED? [Illustrations included in this devotional are not visible in this view. Illustrations are only supported in the Bible App for iOS, Android, and at Bible.com] Anyone who has decided to follow Jesus should be baptized - that's the only requirement! Time and time again we read in scripture that wherever the apostles go and preach, people are baptized. It says that they believed and were baptized. So if you're agonizing about whether you deserve to be baptized or whether this is your next step, simply ask yourself one question: Have I given my life to Jesus? If the answer is yes and you haven't been baptized, it IS your next step! As we mentioned before, we do believe that baptism is most significant and helpful when the person being baptized is old enough to understand that commitment. This will be somewhat up to the discretion of the parents and the church involved, but if you're an adult and want to get baptized, nothing is standing in your way! Sign up for baptisms at your church TODAY!
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The Bible clearly teaches that baptism is the first step of obedience after making a commitment to Jesus Christ. Making a decision to follow Jesus when no one is looking is significant, but there's something powerful abo...

