
What Is Fasting?サンプル

What Is Fasting?

7日中 3日

Fasting: Giving up a little for a major gain. TYPES OF FASTS: Be sure to consult a doctor before beginning any fast, especially if you have any type of medical condition. FULL FAST Drink only liquids especially water. On this type of fast you may also take in clear broth and 100% fruit and vegetable juices in order to maintain your strength. You establish the number of days for your fast in your prayer time. PARTIAL FAST There are many options for partial fasts. Below are just a few for you to select from. Daniel Fast: The most frequently used example of a partial fast is found in Daniel Chapter 10. The Daniel Fast is a fast from meats, sweets, breads, and any drink, except water, for a specific time period (Daniel 10:2-3). The easiest way to think of this fast is eating only vegetables and fruits and drinking only water. The following are examples of other types of partial fasts: 1) Give up one item of food or drink such as caffeine, coffee, soft drinks, or sweets/desserts. 2) Give up one entertainment item; TV, movies, internet, etc. 3) Give up one meal a day for a specific amount of time, one meal a week, etc. Fast for a specific number of days...one day, three days, and so on. 4) Choose to fast for a certain amount of time each day, for example 6:00am to 3:00pm or from sunup to sundown. [The video portion of this devotional is not available on your device. To view this video, visit your plan at www.Bible.com]
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What Is Fasting?

WHAT IS FASTING? Fasting is giving up something for a specified number of days for a specific purpose. The type and length of the fast you choose is between you and God and should not be determined by what anyone else is...

