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Beautifully Refined: Growing in Christ Day by Day

7 Days

Beautifully Refined: Growing in Christ Day by Day
God wants us to grow into the transformed men and women He created us to be. As we draw closer to Him, read Scripture, and develop a Christ-centered community, we position ourselves for optimal growth and freedom. This Bible reading plan, written and presented by Jessica Brodie and edited by Karen Greer, LaShawn Montoya, and Shelley Brooks, helps readers actively grow in Christ.

Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas

9 Days

Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas
This holiday season, take some time to slow down and reflect on God's goodness and the precious gift of Christ with us.

Resting In Grace

20 Days

Resting In Grace
Christ's grace has the power to change everything. We don't have to strive, to compete or compare, or question whether or not we measure up. We're enough because Christ in us in enough. The cross of Christ sets us free.

20 Days Of Relational Health

20 Days

20 Days Of Relational Health
Our hearts crave deep, lasting connections--to know we are loved and belong. This Bible reading plan will help you grow in your relationships as you learn to love others well, speak and live in truth, and set the healthy boundaries that will allow your relationships to thrive.

His Cross Our Hope

30 Days

His Cross Our Hope
Through Christ's death and resurrection, we receive grace upon grace–more than we could ever need or exhaust. This plan helps readers reflect upon all the spiritual blessings our Father has given us in Christ as we learn to rest deeper in His grace, experience greater freedom through His truth, and ever-deepening intimacy with our Savior. Edited by Karen Greer.

Philippians: 14 Days of Hope and Encouragement

14 Days

Philippians: 14 Days of Hope and Encouragement
Sometimes life can feel hard and uncertain. When our circumstances don't turn out as we'd hoped, others let us down, and we find ourselves struggling to hold tight to hope, we can always cling to the God of hope who promises to stand with us, lead us, and empower us as we seek to live for Him.

Faith Over Fear

10 Days

Faith Over Fear
We were not created to live in fear. God wants us to live with boldness, confidence, peace, and impact, and He's given us tools in Scripture to help us anchor ourselves deeper into faith-bolstering truth.

30 Days Of Emotional Health

30 Days

30 Days Of Emotional Health
God doesn't want us feeling perpetually stressed or defeated, nor does He want us enslaved to hurts from our past. This 30-day reading plan will help you draw closer to Him each day and anchor yourself in the life-giving truths He preserved for us in Scripture. Edited by Karen Greer and LaShawn Montoya.

Cultivating a Thankful Heart

5 Days

Cultivating a Thankful Heart
Life always feels more joyful, more manageable, when we approach our days with a thankful heart. In Christ, we always have reason for praise.

Finding Christ in the Struggle: Encouragement for Those With Chronic Illness

7 Days

Finding Christ in the Struggle: Encouragement for Those With Chronic Illness
This chronic illness battle can feel exhausting and, at times, defeating. In our daily struggle, we struggle, we might feel isolated and alone. While our emotions are valid, the truth is, God stands with us. He sees our hurts, our challenges, our fears, and our hopes. May this plan remind you of His steadfast love and faithful presence. Written by Victoria Mejias and edited by Karen Greer and Jennifer Slattery

Renewed Worship: 31 Days of Praying Scripture

31 Days

Renewed Worship: 31 Days of Praying Scripture
Author Rachel Vaughn knows that prayer in times of pain or stress can be difficult. We often struggle to find the right words or any words. This reading plan helps unite our Bible reading time with prayer by providing prayer prompts that take you through the first chapter of Isaiah while incorporating other relevant passages. Plan edited by Karen Greer and LaShawn Montoya.

In Christ: A Journey Through Ephesians

12 Days

In Christ: A Journey Through Ephesians
In Christ, you are chosen, made holy, included, and empowered to be all He created you to be. This plan walks women through the book of Ephesians as they learn to live in their new Christ-centered identity.

More Beauty Less Mess

10 Days

More Beauty Less Mess
The mother-daughter relationship can be one of the most precious and beautiful connections women experience. At times, it can also be confusing and a bit messy. As we grow closer to Christ, He will help us create more beauty than mess. Edited by Karen Greer.

Joy in Chaos

20 Days

Joy in Chaos
God did not create us to live empty, discouraged, fearful, and defeated lives. He created us for joy. A joy greater than our most challenging and chaotic circumstances. Edited by Karen Greer, Rachel Vaughn, and LaShawn Montoya. Voice talent by Linda Goldfarb.

Uniting in Love

6 Days

Uniting in Love
Jesus commands his people to love one another, and in his high priestly prayer, he asked for unity in the church. What does the Bible mean by love? What does it mean to be one in unity? How does our unity with other believers relate to our union with Christ? In this 6-day devotion, discover what it means to unite in love and grow in communion with God.

Love God With All

6 Days

Love God With All
We were created to be in a relationship with our Creator. Yet in the world today, it is so easy to get sidetracked and to place someone or something in the high place where God belongs. Why do we do this? How do we stop? We need to refocus and learn to love God WITH ALL we have and all He has created us to be!

United in the Love of God

5 Days

United in the Love of God
In a world marked by polarization and division, this 5-day devotional offers a refreshing perspective on how to address challenges of unity and create community in our churches. Rooted in the metaphor of marital love found in the Bible, readers will explore how love serves as a profound model for believers' relationships with God and fellow Christians.

All For Love by MOPS International

7 Days

All For Love by MOPS International
After a year spent hunkering down, living smaller, and experiencing a little more fear and anxiety than usual, we are declaring this is the year of going big. No longer will we wait to “get back to normal”; instead, we will start making space for the new things God has for us. We will become less guarded and more daring because this is our year to live All For Love.

It's All About Love?!

8 Days

It's All About Love?!
The Bible says love is great and indispensable. It tells us to love the people around us. But most of all, the Bible speaks about God’s amazing love for us humans and invites us to love Him back with all our hearts. Do you love God?

All You Need Is Love

4 Days

All You Need Is Love
"Love." It's only four letters long yet has so many meanings. There is so much we love in the world, from family, friends, and activities. In this Abide plan, we'll meditate on the various kinds of love in the Bible.

God's Love Can Make You Whole

4 Days

God's Love Can Make You Whole
Life can leave us feeling broken and battered and we may not know how to fix it. But Jesus can. He can pick up the pieces of our lives and guide us into the abundant life we were designed for. Through this 4 day plan, you'll encounter prophetic prayer and thoughtful exercises as you invite God to begin something new in you.

Becoming Christlike: Loving God With All You Are

10 Days

Becoming Christlike: Loving God With All You Are
There are six basic aspects that are inseparable from every human life. Together and in interplay, they make up “human nature.” Jesus highlighted this when He said to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. Together we’ll review each aspect to help us learn how we can bring each one, thereby our whole selves, under God’s rule.

Revival Rising: Loving God and the Lost With All That You Are

5 Days

Revival Rising: Loving God and the Lost With All That You Are
Genuine revival, born out of genuine love for God, does not happen around us; it happens in us. These devotions will encourage you to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Through this plan you will better understand the power of God’s complete redemption and wholeness, preparing you to carry His light into the darkness. Let His revival rise in you.

I Found Love: Raw Stories of Real People Finding Love

5 Days

I Found Love: Raw Stories of Real People Finding Love
You are loved—even if you don’t feel it. You are liked—even if you haven’t seen a thumbs up in weeks. A community is here for you, a people ready to say, “You are one of us.” Whatever question you’re asking or struggle you’re dealing with, God's love is what you need.

Pretty Days And Hurricanes - All You Need Is Love Series

6 Days

Pretty Days And Hurricanes - All You Need Is Love Series
Storms can come from without and from within; both can have devastating effects. Choose to live free from resentment, trusting fully on God’s love.

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