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The Bible Recap - New Testament

92 Days

The Bible Recap - New Testament
Have you ever closed your Bible and thought, “What did I just read?” This 3-month New Testament chronological plan corresponds to The Bible Recap, designed to help you understand and love what you’re reading. Daily recaps are available in podcast, video, & book form where Tara-Leigh Cobble highlights & summarizes each day’s Bible reading in an easy to understand way. Recap videos are now linked in each day's “Devotional” tab!

The Bible Recap With Tara-Leigh Cobble

365 Days

The Bible Recap With Tara-Leigh Cobble
Have you ever closed your Bible and thought, “What did I just read?” This 1-year chronological plan corresponds to The Bible Recap, a tool designed to help you understand & love what you’re reading. Daily recaps are available in podcast, video, & book form where Tara-Leigh Cobble highlights & summarizes each day’s Bible reading in an easy to understand way. Recap videos are now linked in each day's "Devotional" tab!

Thru the Bible—Jude

3 Days

Thru the Bible—Jude
Jude wastes no time. This brief, powerful letter exposes false teachers—many of whom were subtle and believable. They told half-truths about the gospel, which made the lies hard to pick out. Nevertheless, partially true is completely false; almost-gospel is not gospel. Jude calls the church to recognize the false teaching in their midst for what it was. Trusted teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee helps us apply Jude’s warnings today.

Thru the Bible—James

6 Days

Thru the Bible—James
The book of James nudges us to “put your money where your mouth is” when it comes to Christianity. If we truly believe God, then that faith will produce godly actions. James offers real-life examples of what faith looks like. Favorite teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee walks us through the practical, wise instructions found in the wisdom book of the New Testament.

The Bible: Explained

7 Days

The Bible: Explained
The Bible is one of the most influential books of all time, but it can seem overwhelming to know how to understand it and what to do with it. This 7-day Bible study will help break down what the Bible is, why it matters, and how you can understand it today. We’ll also discover how you can put God’s Word in action in His world.

Through the Bible: James

3 Days

Through the Bible: James
In the early church, there was a distorted mindset that Christians, if saved by grace through faith, need not worry about their actions. James responded solemnly with this overarching idea in the letter: faith without works is dead. Therefore, he exhorts all believers with practical advice on how to overcome temptation, persevere in trials, treat others without favoritism, tame our tongues, and manage our wealth in God’s way.

Thru the Bible—Philippians

6 Days

Thru the Bible—Philippians
What kind of person can sit in prison and write a book about joy? The apostle Paul’s joy transcended his earthly circumstances, and he felt compelled to share it with his friends at Philippi. He teaches that happiness is found through Christlike humility, contentment, and service. In just six short lessons, favorite teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee shows you what it means to have that same kind of joy.

Through the Bible: Jude

3 Days

Through the Bible: Jude
Despite its brevity, the letter must have been held in high regard due to Jude’s familial relationship with Jesus. The letter reminds Christ’s followers to beware of false teachers and ungodly people who have crept into church communities. Jude speaks of their due punishment and encourages believers always to stand firm in the truth and love of Jesus, who can present us blamelessly on judgment day.

Through the Bible: Hebrews

4 Days

Through the Bible: Hebrews
Written to Jewish Christians who were persecuted and tempted to return to Mosaic Law, the author reinforced the superiority of Christ over all Jewish practices. By faith in Jesus, who is greater than angels and Moses, we have a better high priest, covenant, hope, and sacrifice before God. Are you placing anything or anyone above Jesus? Let us realign our focus onto Jesus, the founder, and perfecter of our faith.

Through the Bible: Ruth

3 Days

Through the Bible: Ruth
The story of Ruth served as a light in the dark times of Judges. Naomi selflessly put aside her needs and planned for Ruth’s future. Ruth, however, put her destiny at stake by choosing commitment over comfort. And last, Boaz faithfully rescued these two utterly defenseless widows. These characters together reflect God’s perpetual faithfulness to His people, encouraging us to always trust in Him regardless of the circumstances.

I Believe: The Bible

5 Days

I Believe: The Bible
What beliefs make up the foundation of the Christian faith? How do these beliefs shape and transform people's lives? In this five-day devotional, we'll explore what the Bible is, how we know it's true and authoritative, and how we can engage with Scripture.

Thru the Bible—Galatians

7 Days

Thru the Bible—Galatians
Get ready to fight the good fight against legalism in Galatians. When this letter was written, it defended the gospel of Christ from people who wanted to reduce it to rules. Not surprisingly, Galatians has provided the backbone for several great spiritual revivals around the world. Freedom, we learn, is a serious fight. Allow grace to revolutionize your own life through these seven lessons from Dr. J. Vernon McGee.

Through the Bible: Galatians

3 Days

Through the Bible: Galatians
Martin Luther once comically described the impact of the letter to the Galatians on him, “I have betrothed myself to it.” When the Galatian Christians were lured back to the legalistic practices of Judaism, Apostle Paul delivered a crystal-clear message: we are justified by faith in Jesus alone. The moral laws keep us to a certain standard in life, but true freedom comes when we walk in the spirit.

Through the Bible: Philippians

4 Days

Through the Bible: Philippians
Imprisoned in Rome, Apostle Paul wrote this “Letter of Joy” to the Philippians, encouraging them that they could always experience joy and contentment even in the most arduous situation if only they would unite and humbly serve one another. By living his life passionately for Jesus, Paul urges all readers to imitate him; to forget what is behind, and push toward the goal of heavenly rewards in Christ Jesus.

Through the Bible: Jonah

3 Days

Through the Bible: Jonah
Jonah is a satirical book. Jonah first refuses God’s calling, then repents in the fish’s stomach, and later preaches a slapdash sermon with only a few words to the evil Assyrians in Nineveh. As people respond in repentance, Jonah whines about God’s grace for Israel’s inimical enemy. Reading Jonah’s story will confront us with this provocative question: Do you know that God’s compassion is also meant for non-believers?

Thru the Bible—Colossians

6 Days

Thru the Bible—Colossians
He is the head of the body, the church. He holds creation together. He’s the first, the best, the priority of everything. Jesus Christ is the center of the circle around which all Christian living revolves. If you’re tempted by false teaching or feel too discouraged to go on, remember who Jesus Christ is in these six lessons from Dr. J. Vernon McGee.

Through the Bible: Titus

3 Days

Through the Bible: Titus
After being released from his first Roman imprisonment, Apostle Paul wrote three known Pastoral Epistles to prepare next-generation leaders, one of which was addressed to Titus. Paul charged Titus to “put in order what was left unfinished” among the fledgling churches in Crete. Paul’s exhortation in the letter is relevant for churches today: “teach what accords with sound doctrine” and help people to “devote themselves to good works”.

Through the Bible: Malachi

3 Days

Through the Bible: Malachi
A hundred years after returning to the Promised Land, the Jews had fallen back to spiritual lethargy. Malachi confronted their corruption by narrating six disputes between God and the people. Reading about the sinning pattern of Israel is frustrating sometimes, but as the final book of the Old Testament, Malachi as preparation for the Messiah in the New Testament, who would eventually destroy our sinful nature on the cross.

Thru the Bible—Ephesians

11 Days

Thru the Bible—Ephesians
What does it take to be a healthy church? First, embrace how a community, gifted with grace and life in our risen Savior, can bond together. The second half of Ephesians gives us practical truth that equips us for spiritual battle—both as individuals and the collective body of Christ. Join Dr. J. Vernon McGee as he breaks down Ephesians with simple yet profound logic in 11 summaries.

Through the Bible: Ephesians

3 Days

Through the Bible: Ephesians
Toward the end of his life, Apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesian church to protect them from future problems. Paul reminds the people of how God has graciously called them, both Jews and Gentiles, to be part of the body of Christ. In response to this blood-bought and holy community, Paul then gives much practical advice to urge readers to live a life worthy of such a calling in God.

Through the Bible: Joshua

8 Days

Through the Bible: Joshua
The book of Joshua records the Israelites’ conquest of the Canaanite Land and testifies of God’s faithfulness to His promise. Just as the author says in 21:45, “Not one of all the LORD's good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.” Similarly, when life hits hard, always remember to be strong and courageous and cling onto God’s promises. Sooner or later, all will come to pass.

Through the Bible: Esther

3 Days

Through the Bible: Esther
The book of Esther, written in the post-exilic period, is the only biblical book that doesn’t mention God by name. As the author records how Mordecai and Queen Esther overcame Haman’s evil plan to destroy the Jews, a strong message is communicated to all readers: God is always sovereign, and He puts people in positions of influence, not for our own glory, but His and the welfare of His Kingdom.

Through the Bible: Ecclesiastes

3 Days

Through the Bible: Ecclesiastes
People often search for the meaning of life from wealth, relationships, careers, charity, religion, etc. However, the reality is that there will always be a void in the human soul unless we are reconnected with our Creator. The author of the book of Ecclesiastes concludes that a life without God is just vanity, for God is where we find the true meaning of our existence.

Through the Bible: Zephaniah

3 Days

Through the Bible: Zephaniah
Despite King Josiah’s religious reform in the last days of Judah, the people remained unrepentant. Zephaniah thus prophesied God’s judgment to Jerusalem and her surrounding nations. The book, however, ends with a surprise that God’s judgment is not just meant to punish, but also glean from the nations a people who will serve God with one accord. This vision, will be fully fulfilled by the Church of Christ.

Pray Like the Bible

4 Days

Pray Like the Bible
Have you ever wondered if your prayers look like the prayers in the Bible? In this 4-Day Bible Plan, Evangelist Matt Brown shares encouragement and insight into how to pray more like the Bible, making our prayers even more powerful and in alignment with God's will.

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