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Guard Your Heart

7 Days

Guard Your Heart
Our heart is precious. We consider it the source of our emotions, thinking and feeling. Therefore, it is important to protect our hearts from wrong influences. This reading plan helps you discover how to fill your heart with good things and how it can be cleansed from evil by the Lord God.

The Battle Is the Lord's

7 Days

The Battle Is the Lord's
The Battle Is the Lord’s. There is a spiritual battle going on between God and Satan (see the reading plan “The Great Battle”). There are also a lot of wars and battles going on between humans. And sometimes there is a clear connection between the two. This reading plan covers several Bible stories about earthly battles where the Lord was clearly involved.

Cultivating Gratitude

8 Days

Cultivating Gratitude
Gratitude, one of the most beautiful and freeing qualities available to us, is directly tied to our focus on God. Why don’t we all live in its privileges? In fact, it is sadly quite rare. These 8 lessons look at the beauty of gratitude; why it is so rare; how it is expressed, and how we can build on it.

Fruit of the Spirit

11 Days

Fruit of the Spirit
The moment you come to faith in Jesus Christ, you receive the Holy Spirit in your heart. He transforms you from within and makes you grow in holiness. This reading plan studies the fruit that the Holy Spirit bears in the lives of believers, as it is listed in Galatians 5:22-23.

"I Am..." How Jesus Reveals Himself

11 Days

"I Am..." How Jesus Reveals Himself
In the Bible, we read a lot of stories about Jesus by which we learn to know Him better. But the apostle John also recorded statements of Jesus about Himself. These so-called “I Am” statements are short, concise sayings that reveal something of Jesus’ character or ministry. Reading them is an great way to get to know Jesus better!

Finding Safety in God's Care, the Story of Ruth

21 Days

Finding Safety in God's Care, the Story of Ruth
The story of Naomi and Ruth is about believing, trusting God and finding safety in His care. This story is thousands of years old, but still relevant today! This reading plan follows Ruth on her spiritual journey and shows you who God wants to be — for a Moabite woman and also for you.

Jesus Is Stronger

6 Days

Jesus Is Stronger
The world is a battlefield. Not only literally, when people groups or countries are fighting, but also spiritually. Satan has declared war on God and God’s people. This sounds terrifying, and therefore it is important to know that Jesus is stronger. He is stronger than sin, stronger than Satan, and stronger even than death itself. And if you belong to Him, you share in His victory!

Samuel — Prophet and Leader

15 Days

Samuel — Prophet and Leader
In the first centuries of their existence as a people, the Israelites had no king. Instead, God appointed prophets and judges to lead them. The last prophet-judge was Samuel. He was a faithful leader who wanted to serve the Lord and to seek the best for his people. This reading plan takes you through Samuel’s life in 15 days and contains valuable lessons that are still relevant today.

The Lukewarm Deception

7 Days

The Lukewarm Deception
Half-hearted, lazy, who cares? Don’t you hate that attitude? Jesus hates it more, as He declared in Revelation 3:16; but how easily we fall into the deception that makes Him want to vomit us out of His mouth! Let’s look at ways we become lukewarm without realizing it, and how to move with our whole hearts into the joy and security of knowing and being known by Him.

How to Survive the Storms of Life

12 Days

How to Survive the Storms of Life
Every one of us will at some point find ourselves going through storms in life. All our certainties crumble; we wonder why God lets this happen and when the storm will subside. This reading plan gives you valuable advice to stand firm in such a situation. This advice is based on a true biblical story from the book of Mark.

Why Go to Church?

13 Days

Why Go to Church?
“I believe in God in my own way, I don’t need a church. Can’t I just worship God in the comfort of my own home or out in nature?” These thoughts are common in our modern world. But there is blessing being part of the body of Christ; join us and explore some reasons why Christians should definitely be joined to a community of believers.

Do Not Forget! Some Crucial Things Every Christian Should Keep in Mind

5 Days

Do Not Forget! Some Crucial Things Every Christian Should Keep in Mind
Many of us have busy lives with a lot going on. This reading plan will help you keep the most important things in life clearly in mind.

Esther, Born for Such a Time as This

28 Days

Esther, Born for Such a Time as This
In this plan, we will take you through the book of Esther. We can admire Esther's courage, but we should see the whole picture: Esther, too, needed to be reminded of Who rules and that her life is in His hand. We pray that Esther's story inspires you to see God's hand in your life. God has intentionally placed you where you are for such a time as this.

Living a Life That Honors God

23 Days

Living a Life That Honors God
In the apostle Peter's first letter to Christians, he discusses the right attitude toward other people, the position of husband and wife within marriage, and dealing with suffering. This reading plan covers chapters 2 and 3 of Peter’s letter.

Rebellion Meets Grace — the Story of the Prophet Jonah

17 Days

Rebellion Meets Grace — the Story of the Prophet Jonah
The book of Jonah is a special Bible book. It is about a prophet who does not want to obey his commission. Jonah knows that God is gracious to people who don’t deserve it, and he does not want God to show mercy to his enemies. This reading plan follows the story about Jonah’s rebellion and God’s undeserved mercy, and searches how these themes are relevant to our lives too.

Eternal Life

9 Days

Eternal Life
When Jesus speaks about his ministry, He says that his goal is to give people abundant life. That’s the reason why He has come to this earth: “that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). What is this abundant, eternal life like? Let’s read what the Bible tells us about this topic.

The 'Job 31' Man: Being a Man of Integrity in a Sinful World

14 Days

The 'Job 31' Man: Being a Man of Integrity in a Sinful World
Many of us have heard of the exemplary Proverbs 31 woman. Maybe we've wished for a male equivalent. Well, there is one; the Job 31 man! Let's read together and learn how to become men of integrity.

What Is the Purpose of Fasting?

7 Days

What Is the Purpose of Fasting?
Fasting is one of the most neglected spiritual disciplines. Even though the Bible regularly mentions this practice, many never even consider it. In this reading plan, you will look at biblical examples to discover several ways that fasting can be a powerful discipline in the Christian life. By the end of the week, you will know how and why to fast, even if you don’t have any experience.

Prayer, a Privilege!

7 Days

Prayer, a Privilege!
Through these lessons you will experience the gift of prayer.

Loving Your Neighbor as Yourself

13 Days

Loving Your Neighbor as Yourself
One of the best-known commandments in the Bible is to love your neighbor. Jesus even says this is the most important command, next to loving God. But who is our ‘neighbor’ and what does it mean to ‘love’ him? In this Reading Plan, we will read some of Jesus’ teachings and some real-life examples.

Growing in the Knowledge of God

7 Days

Growing in the Knowledge of God
Embark on a journey to know God deeply through these daily devotionals. Each passage draws you closer to understanding His character, His promises, and His unending love. Immerse yourself in the transformative power of His word. Let these devotionals guide you to a richer, more intimate relationship with the Almighty. They were written by the great preacher C.H. Spurgeon, and updated to modern English.

(Not) Seeing and Believing

10 Days

(Not) Seeing and Believing
“Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen”, it says in Hebrews 11:1. The Christian faith is largely about things you can’t see with your natural eyes. However, you need not believe blindly. When God opens your spiritual eyes, there is a lot to see! This reading plan covers several Bible verses about blindness, restored sight, (not) seeing, and believing.

Becoming Like a Child

14 Days

Becoming Like a Child
We tend to tell our children it’s time to grow up. Jesus tells adults it’s time to become like little children in order to enter His Kingdom. What does Jesus mean by this? What does it imply to be like a child, more specifically to be a child of God? Sign up for this reading plan to find out.

Joy in Endurance

7 Days

Joy in Endurance
We are often called to endurance or perseverance in the Scriptures, and we agree with the goal; but it seems so difficult and tiring. Can we even make it? These lessons look at endurance in a new way from Scripture, that is uplifting and joyful.

Will God Judge Me?

11 Days

Will God Judge Me?
The Bible tells us that God will judge humanity. What does this mean? Is God’s judgment something to be afraid of? Yes- it is if you don’t believe in Jesus Christ. But if your sins have been forgiven, God’s judgment is instead something to look forward to! This plan explains why.

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