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Search results for: Resilient

The Living Word

3 Days

The Living Word
The Bible is not just a book of principles. The Bible is a breathing book that gives life and power to those who treasure it. The Bible is Alive! Journey with Temi Michael-O for a short study on Hebrews 4:12.

Live in God's Will

15 Days

Live in God's Will
What does it look like to live in God's will? Who does He want us to become? What does He want us to do? How can living in His will brings us hope, freedom and peace? This 15-day devotional will take you on a journey to dig deeper into God's Word and deeper into your own life to know for certain you are living in His will today.

Living the Truth

5 Days

Living the Truth
This video plan discusses common things that people say about their lives and about God himself that aren't necessarily true. What does God really say about these ideas and situations?

Be Filled With the Spirit

4 Days

Be Filled With the Spirit
Desperate for more? Be filled with the Holy Spirit. You cannot live well without him. It can be simultaneous with salvation or after it. Regardless, we all need it. Understand what entails being one with the Holy Spirit with this digestible 4-day reading plan.

Living Free

11 Days

Living Free
Jesus promised his followers that they never had to walk in fear because He overcame the worst this world could bring against them. Over the course of 11 days, we will examine Romans 5-8 to better understand how following Jesus Christ enables us to live free from fear, failure, demands, and death itself.

Led by the Spirit

7 Days

Led by the Spirit
In the Led by the Spirit plan, author and pastor Kent Mattox will break down 7 biblical revelations about the Holy Spirit, the supernatural, submission, generosity and more.

Wisdom For Living

5 Days

Wisdom For Living
The Lord longs to shower His children with raindrops of wisdom. He delights in imparting His game plan for living. However, it takes our daily pursuit for the wisdom of God to penetrate our thinking. Wise living defaults to a Biblical worldview of thinking. In this plan adapted from his book, Wisdom for Living, Boyd Bailey encourages us to pursue spiritual, relational, physical, financial, and vocational wisdom in our lives.

Walk In The Spirit

3 Days

Walk In The Spirit
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this powerful devotional. Let the Word of God steer your life’s course. Live in the Spirit. Walk in the Spirit. Conduct your daily affairs by submitting and surrendering to His Word. Surrender to His Counsel. Let His Word fill every area of your heart. Choose to trust in Him. Choose to walk according to His principles and precepts as you read this heart-transforming message..

Dying to Live

10 Days

Dying to Live
Is it true that there is a “dying to live?” Certainly, there are scenarios in life where we must die to ourselves, to our pride and to our inner control-freak in order to live at peace with others. Life can be exhausting if we think we are in charge of the world. Let’s discuss a new place of freedom.

Led By The Spirit

3 Days

Led By The Spirit
Apostle Paul teaches us in Romans 8:14, the real sign of sonship in Christ is to recognize the leading of the Holy Spirit and to follow Him. As believers follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we reach a level of maturity in the faith, which entitles us to be called sons of God. This 3-day devotional will teach us how to recognize the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

Live No Lies

7 Days

Live No Lies
Do you find yourself exhausted looking through your newsfeed lately because you feel torn between the ideologies of our time? John Mark Comer encourages us to follow Jesus in an age of increasingly hostile secularism while keeping our hearts tender and open. Finding spiritual renewal in our day starts with recognizing the inner conflict between the lies we live and the truth that brings the peace we long for.

Intentional Living

7 Days

Intentional Living
What does it take to live a life that matters? Dr. John C. Maxwell helps answer that question with this 7-Day reading plan designed to help you discover key areas where you can lead your life instead of merely experience it.

Living Fearless

5 Days

Living Fearless
We either live by fear or by faith. Fear reacts to what's happening. Faith takes action and dares to believe that God is faithful to His promises, despite our current circumstance.

Living Refreshed

5 Days

Living Refreshed
This 5-day devotional plan addresses the dryness that Christians can experience in their relationship with God and their everyday life. God does not want us to be dry but rather desires us to filled and flooded with His power and life so we can fulfill the plan He has for our lives.

Living With No Regrets

6 Days

Living With No Regrets
Your past does not have to define your future. Using God’s word, you can silence the voice of regret, experience peace, and make a fresh start. Join me on this six-day journey taken directly from my study and devotional, If Only, as we learn how to live a life with no regrets! I believe God will bring you healing and clarity as you seek Him through His Word.

Hopeful Living

7 Days

Hopeful Living
As Christians, you and I have been granted access to the sole source of true and lasting hope. Our God is the only One who can and will deliver on the promises He offers for all eternity. And this great God is the focus of this little plan—each section points you to one of His steadfast promises, along with a prayer challenge and questions to grow your faith each day.

Reason to Live

3 Days

Reason to Live
It’s easy to lose motivation when we forget our “why:'' the reason for which we can persevere and have hope for a better future. Whether you’re in a season of trying to gain back your motivation or just need a good reminder of your purpose, this 3 day plan is designed to help you move forward as you're made aware of the reasons your life is valuable and important.

Living Color

7 Days

Living Color
We want to show our kids how exciting and vibrant a life with Jesus can be! Follow along in this seven-day plan as we dive deeper into the song lyrics on our new album, Living Color. Jesus isn’t just for the future — He’s for today!

Living With Integrity

7 Days

Living With Integrity
What comes to mind when you think of integrity? Good morals? Honesty? Trustworthiness? Integrity includes each of those values but transcends them all. Our English equivalent for “integrity” is derived from the Latin word meaning “to be integrated, complete.” It’s the idea that an individual’s outward behavior is consistent with his or her deeply held values. And that’s a character trait that improves every area of life – from our relationships and career, to personal and spiritual growth.

Living Worship

7 Days

Living Worship
This is a devotional that will help you apply Biblical truths about worship to your daily life. We often forget what worship is and the impact true worship can have on our lives. Take time to let your worship come alive again.

Living Water

11 Days

Living Water
The Gospel of John shows us who Jesus is. In chapter 4, we read how Jesus reveals Himself in a conversation with a Samaritan woman at a well. This story contains many lessons for us. John has written it down for us, “so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:31)

Living Word

10 Days

Living Word
Hebrews 4:12 says that “the word of God is alive and active”. To emphasise this truth, the Bible itself describes God’s word in various ways. This devotional will take a survey of these various “symbols” and hopefully ignite your passion afresh for the God-breathed scriptures.

Living With Honor

15 Days

Living With Honor
Living with honor takes discipline and guidance. We need instruction from noble men and women to understand what obstacles stand in our way and how to push through tough times. The New Testament includes letters written by Jesus’s followers that provide these vital instructions, warnings, and encouragement to help you live worthy of honor. In this plan, you’ll learn these timeless truths and how to apply them to your life.

Fruit of the Spirit

11 Days

Fruit of the Spirit
The moment you come to faith in Jesus Christ, you receive the Holy Spirit in your heart. He transforms you from within and makes you grow in holiness. This reading plan studies the fruit that the Holy Spirit bears in the lives of believers, as it is listed in Galatians 5:22-23.

Living by Faith

24 Days

Living by Faith
God, in the short book of Habakkuk, provides us with an answer on how we must live even during moments when it seems that the whole world is crashing down upon us: the just shall live by faith. Faith is the secure anchor that will hold us firm through the tumultuous tempest.

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