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Search results for: the bible project

Through the Bible: Joshua

8 Days

Through the Bible: Joshua
The book of Joshua records the Israelites’ conquest of the Canaanite Land and testifies of God’s faithfulness to His promise. Just as the author says in 21:45, “Not one of all the LORD's good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.” Similarly, when life hits hard, always remember to be strong and courageous and cling onto God’s promises. Sooner or later, all will come to pass.

Through the Bible: Esther

3 Days

Through the Bible: Esther
The book of Esther, written in the post-exilic period, is the only biblical book that doesn’t mention God by name. As the author records how Mordecai and Queen Esther overcame Haman’s evil plan to destroy the Jews, a strong message is communicated to all readers: God is always sovereign, and He puts people in positions of influence, not for our own glory, but His and the welfare of His Kingdom.

Through the Bible: Ecclesiastes

3 Days

Through the Bible: Ecclesiastes
People often search for the meaning of life from wealth, relationships, careers, charity, religion, etc. However, the reality is that there will always be a void in the human soul unless we are reconnected with our Creator. The author of the book of Ecclesiastes concludes that a life without God is just vanity, for God is where we find the true meaning of our existence.

Through the Bible: Zephaniah

3 Days

Through the Bible: Zephaniah
Despite King Josiah’s religious reform in the last days of Judah, the people remained unrepentant. Zephaniah thus prophesied God’s judgment to Jerusalem and her surrounding nations. The book, however, ends with a surprise that God’s judgment is not just meant to punish, but also glean from the nations a people who will serve God with one accord. This vision, will be fully fulfilled by the Church of Christ.

Pray Like the Bible

4 Days

Pray Like the Bible
Have you ever wondered if your prayers look like the prayers in the Bible? In this 4-Day Bible Plan, Evangelist Matt Brown shares encouragement and insight into how to pray more like the Bible, making our prayers even more powerful and in alignment with God's will.

Why Read The Bible?

6 Days

Why Read The Bible?
Right now, you can’t see down the whole path for your life. But God’s Word is a light to that path. It can show you the way to go – it’s your blueprint and gives you a vision for what your life is supposed to look like. These six devotionals can help you understand God’s direction and how to live a life of peace, joy, and fulfillment.  

Through the Bible: Luke

11 Days

Through the Bible: Luke
As the longest book in the New Testament, Luke makes the purpose of his writing clear at the beginning: to investigate and write an account of the Gospel. As a Gentile physician, Luke has deliberately recorded many healing miracles of Jesus and His care for the social outcasts. The Gospel is summarised in this proclamation of Jesus, “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”

Through the Bible: Judges

8 Days

Through the Bible: Judges
Judges describes the deteriorating cycle of the Israelites following Joshua’s death. Because of idolatry, the Israelites were oppressed by the enemies. When they repented, God raised up judges to deliver them. Soon they forgot and fell into evil, and the vicious cycle continued. Even today, leaders are sent to deliver us but a true salvation takes place only when our hearts are obedient to the one King who remains forever.

Through the Bible: Exodus

12 Days

Through the Bible: Exodus
As the name suggests, the book of Exodus is about the departure of the enslaved Israelites from Egypt to the land God promised to Abraham. This is an invitation for the people to leave from bondage to freedom, to be called “My People” by God. Is there anything in life that is putting you in bondage? Do you want to be free? Join us as we journey through Exodus.

Through the Bible: Deuteronomy

12 Days

Through the Bible: Deuteronomy
Deuteronomy is the final heart-pouring sermon of the dying Moses to the second generation of the Israelites, retelling the salvation history of their forefathers and the ways of life through God’s words as they enter into the Promised Land. The book ends with Moses calling readers for a decision: curse and death by disobedience or blessing and life by loving the Lord. Likewise, which will you choose?

Through the Bible: Mark

8 Days

Through the Bible: Mark
Mark uses the Greek word euthus, often translated to “immediately,” 41 times to emphasize Jesus taking prompt actions to rescue anyone who believes in Him. The book is beautifully composed of two main sessions, summarised in this key verse in Mark 10:45, “The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Through the Bible: Habakkuk

3 Days

Through the Bible: Habakkuk
When Habakkuk lodged his complaints about God’s “inaction” towards the wickedness of Judah, he was appalled to know that God would soon bring justice through Babylon, Judah’s vile enemy. God reassured Habakkuk that Babylon would eventually be punished and the righteous shall live by his faith. The book concludes with Habakkuk’s prayer to rejoice and place his trust in God, which sets a model for Christians to imitate amidst wickedness.

Through the Bible: Daniel

4 Days

Through the Bible: Daniel
Daniel was chosen and taken captive to serve the king of Babylon. Amidst all the challenges and sinister schemes by other jealous officials, Daniel remained faithful to God, and God protected and exalted him to a high position in the kingdom. Daniel has set a great example for us: witnessing for Christ is possible no matter the circumstance, even in challenging settings.

Through the Bible: Joel

3 Days

Through the Bible: Joel
Joel’s prophecy, “The day of the Lord,” is like a double-edged sword; it’s about God’s wrath to the disobedient and God’s salvation to the obedient. It speaks of an imminent judgment of Judah and an eschatological consummation of God’s Kingdom in Jesus’ second coming. Amidst his horrific warnings, Joel comforts God’s people with this promise, “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” 

Through the Bible: Proverbs

10 Days

Through the Bible: Proverbs
The book of Proverbs is a book of Godly wisdom, in which the author often calls the readers “my child”, instructing them to live wisely by forsaking foolishness. The foundational key to acquire wisdom, as the author says, is the fear of the Lord. This book is a manual as well as an invitation for us to live a good, effective and abundant life.

Through the Bible: Revelation

7 Days

Through the Bible: Revelation
Just as there is a beginning, there is an end. Revelation reveals how Jesus will come back soon to judge all evil, reward His followers, and restore the paradise He once created–a place without sin, sorrow, and death. Readers are promised with a blessing if they hear and keep what is written in the book. Despite its difficulty, this is undoubtedly a book worth our time to unravel.

Thru the Bible—Hebrews

17 Days

Thru the Bible—Hebrews
Sometimes, “running the race” of faith leaves us tired, out of breath, and discouraged. The book of Hebrews is an infusion of faith for the weary. Its message calls us back to the truth and gives us the strength to keep going. In these 17 lessons, Dr. J. Vernon McGee reminds us Jesus is better than any other road. Believe what He’s done and all that He promises to do.

Thru the Bible—Romans

15 Days

Thru the Bible—Romans
Romans lays down the foundation for our faith. Salvation is a gift received through faith alone in God. We are dead to sin and forever alive in Christ by His grace. In 15 summaries, discover how this letter follows the road to salvation, from death to life. Our teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee said, “It’s just as if it came by special delivery mail to us today.”

Through the Bible: Philemon

3 Days

Through the Bible: Philemon
A slave named Onesimus escaped from his owner, Philemon, and met the Apostle Paul in his Roman prison, who then led him to Christ. After learning about Onesimus’ wrongdoing against his master, Paul wrote this letter to plead with Philemon to forgive Onesimus. Reconciliation with people who have wronged us is difficult sometimes. May this letter encourage us to let go of our bitterness and renew our relationship with them.

Through the Bible: Romans

5 Days

Through the Bible: Romans
Regarded as the most important letter in the New Testament, Apostle Paul writes with two main purposes: 1) to unite the Jewish and Gentile Christians in Rome as faith brings everyone on a common ground, and 2) to establish a rapport with the church so it can become a stepping stone for Paul to spread the Gospel. Reading this letter will consolidate our Christian doctrine and stimulate our spiritual growth.

Opening the Bible

18 Days

Opening the Bible
The Bible is one of the most influential books of all time, but it can seem overwhelming to know how to understand it and what to do with it. This 18-day Bible study will help break down what the Bible is, why it matters, and how you can understand it today. We’ll also discover how you can put God’s Word in action in His world.

Through the Bible: Lamentations

3 Days

Through the Bible: Lamentations
Lamentation is a collection of five separate despairing poems written by the Prophet Jeremiah about the destruction of the once proud Jerusalem in 586 BC. Although Jeremiah laments for the desolation, he understands that this is a consequence of the sins of people. But amidst such sorrow and hopelessness, Jeremiah reminds the readers, “The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases and his mercies never come to an end.”

Through the Bible: Numbers

14 Days

Through the Bible: Numbers
The book of Numbers, as the Hebrew name suggests, is the Israelites’ travelogue in the wilderness, from Mount Sinai to the plains of Moab, right before entering the Promised Land. Because of the Israelites’ disobedience, the 11-day journey turned to 40 years! But rest assured, God always restore His people to the place of blessings as soon as we return to Him. Come journey through Numbers with us.

Through the Bible: Colossians

3 Days

Through the Bible: Colossians
False teachings such as legalism, Greek philosophies, and superstitious beliefs had infiltrated the church in Colossae, and Apostle Paul penned this letter to remind the Colossians of the superiority and transcendence of Jesus Christ above all created things and man-made ideologies. If we are not alert enough, these heresies, which Paul considered as “hollow and deceptive philosophy,” can easily creep into our lives and shift our focus away from Jesus.

The Bible is Alive

7 Days

The Bible is Alive
Since the beginning of time, God’s Word has actively restored hearts and minds—and God’s not finished yet. In this special 7-day Plan, let’s celebrate the life-transforming power of Scripture by taking a closer look at how God is using the Bible to impact history and change lives around the world.

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