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Lent Days

5 Days

Lent Days
It is easy to blame Adam and Eve for the misery of humanity and death of Lord Jesus Christ. The people who were living in Lord Jesus' earthly ministry time manifested their sinful nature. The traces of that sinful nature is found in each one of us. We are responsible for Lord Jesus' death.


48 Days

For thousands of years, Christians worldwide have spent time preparing their hearts to celebrate Easter, eventually naming this season “Lent.” During the 40 days before the holiday, they would fast, pray, and spend extra time in the Scripture. We have developed this devotional as a tool to help you dig into the Bible this Lenten season and learn more about who Jesus is.

Slō Lent

9 Days

Slō Lent
This nine-day devotional is geared towards helping you to engage with scripture in quiet reflection through this special season of Lent. We invite you to use these in facilitating group/family engagement or for your personal time of devotion. We would like to invite you to engage with this written meditation or the accompanying audio.

One: Lent Devotional

10 Days

One: Lent Devotional
When we look around at the world today, we can see an awful lot of division and disconnection. Yet there is hope. A deep and thrilling hope. When we realize that we are one in Christ, everything changes. When we embrace togetherness – unity with creation, with each other, and with God – extraordinary things can happen. As you read this devotional, we pray you have a blessed Lent.

Lent Devotional: Open

5 Days

Lent Devotional: Open
Lent is a time of beautiful re-focusing. A time to pay closer attention to the life that lives beyond busyness. To create sacred rhythms that move our feet down paths of goodness. Lent is a sanctuary in time, a seven-week island in a stormy sea. It is a specific, intentional period in which we can reorientate ourselves. It is a time to be drawn further into God's heart.

Lent Devotional: Restoration

7 Days

Lent Devotional: Restoration
This 7-day plan on restoration will take you on a journey through the gospels, with prayers and reflections to help you connect with God as we approach Easter. In the Bible, we read many stories of Jesus restoring people to their God-given potential. He showed them a glimpse of God’s kingdom and his plan to renew all things. And he’s doing the same today.

Enough: Lent Devotionals

47 Days

Enough: Lent Devotionals
In God’s eyes, we are more than enough. It’s why He sent His son to reconcile us to Him. Though we may never grasp just how much He loves us, at Lent we can take time to reflect on all He did for us. It's time to reject the message that we aren’t enough, and instead remember Christ died for us, just as we are.

Lent Journey

39 Days

Lent Journey
Lent is a time when we prepare ourselves for Easter. Lent Journey consists of 38 devotions to accompany us on this journey. We are invited to the undertake the journey with Jesus and thereby prepare ourselves for the two big events that are the pillars of our belief system - the crucifiction and the resurrection.

Alive: Lent Devotionals

47 Days

Alive: Lent Devotionals
These Lent devotionals will take you on a journey to discover the abundant life that Jesus offers. The world is full of noise and distraction – bright lights that lead us away from the depth of life, keeping us in the shallows. The kingdom of heaven – the kingdom of life and love and joy – is closer than we think. Let us grasp it with both hands.

Journaling Through Lent

40 Days

Journaling Through Lent
This 40-day Lenten devotional will help you meditate on the themes of Repentance, Renewal, Remembrance, and Remission in the lead-up to Easter. Each day, you will focus on one theme, meditate on a portion of Scripture, and use a journaling prompt to encourage you to internalize what God is saying by expressing yourself through the creative art of journaling.

Lent Guide 2023

39 Days

Lent Guide 2023
Welcome! So why go on this journey? Lent invites me to face that which I’d rather avoid. For 40 days I go on a journey dedicated to isolation, prayer, and fasting. May this Lent journey be a confirmation of how God is always with me, give me the courage to go to places I would rather avoid, and let me experience his provision once more.

Lent: With One Voice

46 Days

Lent: With One Voice
A Lent devotional material created by the pastors of International Churches of Hong Kong, a guide for decisions, a vision of the future and a challenge to lifestyle. It is a subversive material that undermines contemporary assumptions and defies social norms. It is all of this because it is the Word of God as recorded by Mark and others, and therefore is about the transformation of people and communities.

Lent For Everyone

53 Days

Lent For Everyone
Lent for Everyone is a devotional created and written by N.T. (Tom) Wright. For each day of Lent, there is a reading chosen from the Gospel of Matthew, plus a reflection by Wright. These readings have grown out of a project encouraging Lent reading in Northern England. This is the second in a three-volume series based on the Revised Common Lectionary of the Church of England.

Lent Through African Eyes

45 Days

Lent Through African Eyes
Africans throughout history have shaped Christian thought and contemplative practice. Starting Ash Wednesday, explore the Lenten themes of prayer, fasting, repentance, and alms-giving. Sojourn with Jesus’ disciples from his baptism to Holy Week. Abide with him in temptation. Hear the crowd shout—celebrating, then condemning. Watch Simon of Cyrene carry the cross. Witness the crucifixion with Mary. Join a biblical pilgrimage to prepare your heart for Jesus’ passion and resurrection.

40 Days of Lent

47 Days

40 Days of Lent
Lent has always been a time to turn our attention to all that has been done for us on the cross in Christ. This lavish gift can be meditated on year after year, and still would leave us to wonder in amazement. Through this reading plan, you will walk through the gospel accounts in chronological order, tracing the steps of Jesus during his last week of his earthly ministry. This plan is 47 days in length, but the seven Sundays are days of rest according to tradition.

Experiencing Jesus Together Through Lent

40 Days

Experiencing Jesus Together Through Lent
40 Daily Devotionals to cultivate your relationship with God “… Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget none of His benefits;” Psalm 103:2 Join praiseLive as we worship Jesus through Lent and treasure Him for who He is. Go deeper with God as we Read, Reflect, Praise and Pray through daily devotions that draw you closer to God’s heart of love for you.

KykNET Lent Guide 2023

39 Days

KykNET Lent Guide 2023
Welcome to the Lent Journey. On this journey, you are invited to work the beatitudes of Jesus into your life. During Lent, we are invited to identify with Jesus’ suffering. The beatitudes invite us to live in a new way, with Jesus, in a world of anxiety, fear, uncertainty, and suffering. It is a road chosen by few, but Jesus did. And so, we follow Him, through suffering, to life.

Lent Devotional: Restore

47 Days

Lent Devotional: Restore
This study, brought to you by Tearfund, journeys through the Lent season, and will encourage you to spend time soaking in God's goodness. Read and reflect on ways you can channel His restorative love throughout your life.

Infinitum Lent Journey

42 Days

Infinitum Lent Journey
Infinitum is a way of life centred on following Jesus by loving God and loving others through an emphasis on the habits and disciplines of surrender, generosity, and mission. We aim to see the Bible and also the world through these Jesus-colored lenses. Each week’s plan will include a focus on a traditional Lenten Biblical text using Infinitum tools and lenses to enhance our experience.

Praying the Scripture Through Lent

40 Days

Praying the Scripture Through Lent
Praying with the Scriptures changes us and unleashes the power of God since the word of God is sharper than any double-edged sword. Through the season of Lent, you can use this Bible plan to understand God’s heart better and pray for yourself according to His word. It is bound to change your life as you boldly declare His word with confidence knowing it has heaven’s full backing.

Lent: Embracing Your Need for God

11 Days

Lent: Embracing Your Need for God
Lent is a 40-day season leading up to Jesus' death and resurrection. Traditionally, Christians use this time to fast, pray, and give to those in need. It's a time to reflect on our need for God and prepare our hearts for the magnitude of Easter. Use this Lent Devotional to guide you through this sacred season with intentionality. You can download a PDF at

Begin Lent in Jesus’ Footsteps

6 Days

Begin Lent in Jesus’ Footsteps
This Lent season, journey through the Holy Land with Dr. Jim Denison in this six-day devotional, excerpted from his book To Follow in His Footsteps. In this vivid and thorough guide through a few significant landmarks to the Christian faith, you will virtually walk where Jesus walked and come away with a new appreciation for all God has done and continues to do in our world.

40 Daily Devotionals for Lent

40 Days

40 Daily Devotionals for Lent
This study, brought to you by First15, is designed to accompany you on your journey through the Lent season, and provide encouragement as you spend time in God's presence and intentionally seek Him over the next 40 days. We hope this is a helpful resource for you!

Lent: The Path of Surrender

47 Days

Lent: The Path of Surrender
Embark on a profound spiritual journey with this immersive guide crafted to navigate the sacred season of Lent. Each day, you will experience surrender to God as a way to self-discovery, freedom, renewal, and deeper intimacy with Jesus as you reflect upon his life, death, and resurrection.

Lent - His Love Endures

49 Days

Lent - His Love Endures
This Lent, we’ll follow Jesus to Calvary with Jeremiah as our guide. Where God in the midst of stubbornness, gave His people a beacon of hope and a promise. We will repent of our sins and rejoice in the hope that lies not in our strength or works but in the empty tomb of Jesus, arriving at Resurrection Sunday with a renewed understanding of this unshakable truth: His love endures.

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