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Jesus Is Greater Than All

8 Days

Jesus Is Greater Than All
The book of Hebrews starts with a wonderful description of Jesus Christ. It’s almost a song, listing how great and glorious and excellent Jesus is. There’s nothing and no one better than Him! Do you want to read along?

Each Breath I Take I Will Speak God's Praise

14 Days

Each Breath I Take I Will Speak God's Praise
We humans were created for God’s glory. Each breath we take, each word we say and each decision we make should honor Him! This reading plan discusses what it is like to live like that.

Watching Daily at Wisdom’s Gates

7 Days

Watching Daily at Wisdom’s Gates
Wise people seek wisdom, and where better to look than in a book about wisdom by the wisest man who ever lived (apart from Jesus): King Solomon. Join us as we walk through the first 9 chapters of Proverbs, and gain new insights into wisdom for your own life.

Being Rich in God

7 Days

Being Rich in God
It is tempting to want to accumulate earthly wealth. It allows you to buy and do anything you want and secure your financial future. But the Bible warns against riches and points us to a wealth that is truly fulfilling and more enduring than earthly life.

Finding Freedom in Jesus

12 Days

Finding Freedom in Jesus
Jesus says: “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31-32). That sounds good, since freedom is something we are all looking for! This reading plan introduces twelve types of freedom that can all be found in Jesus.

Jesus Is the Ultimate Prophet, Priest and King

11 Days

Jesus Is the Ultimate Prophet, Priest and King
Jesus Christ has existed from eternity as God the Son. But He came to earth to make sinful people right with God again. His salvation work can be described in three key words: He is the ultimate Prophet, Priest and King — not just during His earthly ministry, but forever. This reading plan takes 11 days to discover what these three ‘offices’ of Jesus imply.

Hindrances to Prayer: Reasons God May Not Answer Your Prayers

9 Days

Hindrances to Prayer: Reasons God May Not Answer Your Prayers
Sometimes we pray for something and feel there are no answers from God. There are things in our lives and hearts that may cause God to not hear our prayers. Join us in a scripture study that highlights key verses to give you confidence and help you remove any hindrances in communication between you and the Lord.

Living in God's Presence

10 Days

Living in God's Presence
Being a Christian is about reading your Bible, praying to God, and attending church services, right? Yes, it is, but there is much more. As a Christian, you live coram Deo, before God. You continually live in His presence. You live under His authority and to His glory. This reading plan explains how you can walk with God every day of your life.

Make Every Effort: Peter's Fervent Pleas

14 Days

Make Every Effort: Peter's Fervent Pleas
Nearing the end of our life, irrelevant and petty things fall away, leaving only essentials. Peter knew his life was soon to be taken from him, and passionately wrote his second letter to pass on the most important lessons learned from his precious Lord and Savior. Join us in exploring what it means to "make every effort" to grow in our Christian life.

Be Confident in God

11 Days

Be Confident in God
Confident and bold people can achieve much in life, or so we think. We're told, “Come on, you can do it!” The Bible tells us to be confident: not in ourselves, but in God! And that, truly is a far more solid foundation for a joyful life!

Elijah. Man of Courage, Man of Faith, Man of God.

22 Days

Elijah. Man of Courage, Man of Faith, Man of God.
The Bible is full of stories about people who try to live to God's glory - with ups and downs. Elijah is such a man. He is a prophet who serves God wholeheartedly, but is also prone to despondency and depression. He confronts the king fearlessly, but flees from the queen. And in all this, God continues to care for His servant.

Jesus: Higher Than All

9 Days

Jesus: Higher Than All
Jesus Christ is the major character in the Bible, and for good reason! In his letter to the Colossians, the apostle Paul explains how majestic and awesome Jesus is. This 9-day reading plan studies Paul’s words so you can discover for yourself why Jesus Christ should have the most important place in your life as well.

Our Personal, Ultimate Intercessor

10 Days

Our Personal, Ultimate Intercessor
Isn’t it fascinating that Jesus’ disciples didn’t ask Jesus to teach them how to lead or preach or teach or administrate, although He certainly was the expert? In Luke 11:1, they said, “Teach us to pray.” They had seen Him praying more than anything else. How can we learn from Jesus’ priority of prayer?

Lean on the Lord

8 Days

Lean on the Lord
Life, relationships, forgiveness; there are so many facets to living with one another. Join us as we share some thoughts and scriptures about how we can find strength and rest in the Lord and His Word.

Biblical Advice on Living Well

10 Days

Biblical Advice on Living Well
A new year lies ahead of you. Maybe you are full of good intentions and plans! This reading plan gives you some valuable Biblical advice for your life that is important throughout the year.

Walking in the Truth

12 Days

Walking in the Truth
The Bible is a multi-faceted book that covers many different topics. One topic that stands out, is “truth”. Many people are seeking truth or debating whether ultimate truth exists. This Reading Plan studies what the Bible says about truth, and what implications this has for our daily lives.

The Great Battle

7 Days

The Great Battle
The Bible calls God “the God of peace”, but also depicts Him as a rider who will strike down the nations with a sharp sword. If we want to understand this paradox, we need to know the basic background story about the battle between God and Satan. This Reading Plan takes seven days to explain it to you.

Fear the Lord and Fear Not; Awe and Reverence for God

8 Days

Fear the Lord and Fear Not; Awe and Reverence for God
Scripture sometimes tells us NOT to fear, and then it tells us TO fear God, in the same Scripture passage. What are we to do with these; how do we reconcile them? This plan helps us understand the balance of awe and reverence we must hold toward our Holy God, helping us to be both humbled and encouraged through life’s events.

What Was Jesus' Mission on Earth?

13 Days

What Was Jesus' Mission on Earth?
Jesus Christ came to earth for a purpose. His coming was a conscious decision. During the years in which He traveled around the land of Israel and made God's Kingdom known, He also explained why He came to earth. Several times, we read in the Gospels: “I have come to...”. This reading plan aims to trace some of those statements to make us aware of Jesus’ mission.

A Shoot From the Stump of Jesse

7 Days

A Shoot From the Stump of Jesse
God gave David a special promise. His descendants would reign over Israel forever. Biblical history shows us how God kept this promise in an amazing way, despite the unfaithfulness of David’s descendants. He sent Jesus Christ, the ultimate Son of David, who will be King forever and ever — not only over Israel, but over all the nations.

Seek Your City's Good

11 Days

Seek Your City's Good
As Christians, we are not at home in this world. Instead, “our citizenship is in heaven” (Philippians 3:20). We are exiles and strangers here. What does this mean for our daily lives? How are we to act in the city and nation we are living in? This reading plan helps you find out.

You Are Called to be a Saint

15 Days

You Are Called to be a Saint
Being a Christian means that you belong to Jesus Christ and are called to live a holy life devoted to His glory; in other words, to be a saint. This has an enormous impact on your life. It changes your position towards God and towards other people, and it has consequences for your choices. Becoming a saint is not optional. It is the calling of every believer.

God’s Word

10 Days

God’s Word
God’s Word plays a vital role in the life of every Christian. This Reading Plan studies Bible verses that explain why God’s Word is so important and discusses some of its characteristics.

Better Than Sacrifice, Yielding Our Heart to God

9 Days

Better Than Sacrifice, Yielding Our Heart to God
Sometimes we get caught up in the world’s efforts to do enough good things to save ourselves. But does that really work? What does God truly want from us? Join us and explore some Biblical aspects of how our service and sacrifice to the Lord should transform our hearts and lives.

Fight the Good Fight of Faith

7 Days

Fight the Good Fight of Faith
The Bible blesses peacemakers, but also exhorts us to “fight the good fight”. This last phrase is not an exhortation to attack other people, but to resist the devil and our own sinful desires. This reading plan presents seven Bible verses about this topic. It can be combined with our other Reading Plans: “The Great Battle” and “The Battle Is the Lord’s”.

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