Alexandria Covenant Church
Making God Known
By observing how Paul evangelized the influential city of Athens, we find some important lessons about engaging unbelievers today with the gospel, like knowing your audience, living the Christian life with integrity, speaking truth in love, being clear about the gospel, and leaving the results up to God. --- God can do amazing things through ordinary people who are empowered by the Holy Spirit. In the book of Acts, the Holy Spirit was given to all believers and the church was born. The church is God's chosen instrument in the world for sharing the good news about Jesus Christ. The book of Acts is all about the unhindered movement of God throughout the world as the gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed through the church. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, the early church was an unstoppable movement that proclaimed the Kingdom of God and Jesus Christ as the only way to eternal life. Today, the church empowered by the Holy Spirit is called to continue God's redeeming work in the world by fulfilling God's mission of making Jesus known to the ends of the earth.
Locations & Times
Alexandria Covenant Church
4005 Dakota St, Alexandria, MN 56308, USA
Sunday 8:00 AM
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Understand the Culture. (v. 22-23)
Hold Firm to a Biblical Worldview. (v. 24-29)
Be Clear About the Gospel. (v. 30-31)
Leave the Results Up to God. (v. 32-34)
Acts 17:16-21
Colossians 1:15-20
Romans 1:16-17
1 Corinthians 1:17-31