Redeemer Church Mauritius
Created to Become Like Christ - Phil Kendon
If someone were to ask you, “What is the biggest hindrance to spiritual growth in your life?”, what would your answer be? Would it be that you don’t read your bible enough? You may think that you don’t know enough. It could be your doubt or lack of faith that is holding you back. Of course, there is some truth in all of those statements. But one of the biggest reasons we don’t grow as Christians is because we are too good at lying to ourselves. When God whispers in our ear about something in our life that needs to change, we tend to resist his voice and assume that we are ok. That’s exactly what Peter did on the night Jesus was betrayed. When we don’t listen to his voice, life has a way of showing us the truth by putting us under pressure. But, we still have a choice as to how we will respond. Will we dig our heels in and stubbornly refuse to accept the truth? Will we let failure disqualify us? Or will we let Jesus restore us and make us into the disciples he wants us to be?
Locations & Times
  • Redeemer Church Mauritius
    Sunday 9:00 AM
  • Redeemer EastCoast
    Above Le Bistrot, Coastal Rd, Mahebourg, Mauritius
    Sunday 9:00 AM
1. God speaks

God knows us better than we know ourselves.
Psalm 139:1-4
2. God turns up the heat

God uses circumstances to show us things when we refuse to hear his voice.
3. Three ways to respond to God

a) Stubbornness
Digging in our heels and refusing to acknowledge the truth even if we ruin our lives in the process.

b) Disqualification
Hiding away in shame and disappointment.

c) Restoration
Allowing Jesus to meet us where we are at and lead us into God’s purposes for our lives.
Think About It:
God knows you better than you know yourself – will you listen to his voice?